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Point drainage.Series Basic (reinforced)

Plastic inlets form the drainage point in the target area, designed for local (point) drainage from the surface and the rooftops (in the case of rain-pipe). Storm watr inlets avoid contamination of waste water drainage in soil. The gratings and cast iron frame o storm-water inlets, waste baskets and partitions are additional accessories. Point drainage system keeps the buildings exterior wall dry, prevents humidity, unhygienic fumes, moss and lichen.
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Plastic drain box

Drain drainage systems to avoid contamination of rainwater at its outlets in soil or sewage system. Strom water inlet consists of two sections, allowing you to monitor its condition and clean if necessary. The design of the element provides drainage point trap air, which prevents the formation of unpleasant odors.
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Point drainage 300х300mm

The elements of point (local) wastewater series Basic. Designed for installation in order to collect rainwater or melt water from the surface, from the roofs of buildings in case of pipe flow.
  • Water inlets 300х300mm
  • Gratings and covers for inlets 300х300mm
  • Additional components for inlets 300х300mm
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Point drainage 400х400мм

Storm-water inlets 400x400 mm, drainage gratings and additional elements for a productive point elimination of storm water. Load class A-C (25 tons).
  • Water inlets 400х400mm
  • Gratings and covers for water inlets 400х400mm
  • Additional componets for water inlets
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Point drainage 500х500mm

All point drainage series Basic 500x500 mm. Large storm inlets and components to it for the local removal of water from the surface and under the roof gutters.
  • Water inlets 500х500mm
  • Gratings and covers of water inlets 500х500mm
  • Additional components for inlets 500х500mm
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Plastic inlets-sand trap Spark

Point drainage (drainage) of local designation includes plastic accepting tank for removal of waste water from the surface and from the rooftops in case of joining the gutter.Stom water inlets may additionally be equipped with a basket for collecting waste and partition - siphon.It is possible to increase the height of inlets, setting them one on each other.
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Cast iron storn water inletsseries Basic load class B125

Cast iron can withstand high strength accepting load classes A-D. Swing fixing of the grating to the body protects against theft. Warranty period of use - 5 years.
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Надставка PolyMaxBasic НДП-30.30-ПП 8370-Н для дощеприймача

  • Article: 8370-Н
  • Color: black
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Решітка стальна штампована Basic (оцинкована) до дощоприймача 300x300

  • Article: 33104
  • Material: galvanized steel
  • Size: 280x280x20
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Пластиковий дощоприймач PolyMax Basic 300х300 з Решіткою Чавунною Сніжинка (комплект)

  • Article: 08302-Ч
  • Material: сірий чавун (СЧ)
  • Size: 300x300x300
  • Load transfer class: A15 - C250
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Cottage settlements, private garages, sport facilities
Cottage settlements, car parkings , sport facilities
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Зливний водовідвід PolyMax Basic

  • Article: 817008
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 260x135x215
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Бокс водостічний PolyMax Basic з вертикальним відводом

  • Article: 817009
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 300x163x208
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Дощоприймач Spark (Спарк)

  • Article: 8372
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 327x327x310
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Решітка Spark для дощоприймача

  • Article: 3382
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 264x264x20
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Пластиковий дощоприймач PolyMax Basic 300x300

  • Article: 8370-Ч
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 300x300x300
  • Load transfer class: A15 - C250
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Cottage settlements, private garages, sport facilities
Cottage settlements, car parkings , sport facilities
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Пластиковий дощоприймач PolyMax Basic 400х400 для точкового водовідводу

  • Article: 8470–С
  • Size: 400x400x400
  • Load transfer class: A15 - C250
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Cottage settlements, private garages, sport facilities
Cottage settlements, car parkings , sport facilities
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Пластиковий дощоприймач-пісковловлювач

  • Article: 8472
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 433x433x391
  • Load transfer class: A15 - C250
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Cottage settlements, private garages, sport facilities
Cottage settlements, car parkings , sport facilities
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Пластиковий дощоприймач PolyMax Basic 550x550 для точкового водовідводу

  • Article: 8570–С
  • Material: plastic
  • Size: 550x550x500
  • Load transfer class: A15 - B125
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Cottage settlements, private garages, sport facilities
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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Решітка стальна чарункова Basic (оцинкована) 391*391 для дощоприймачів

  • Article: 34201
  • Material: galvanized steel
  • Size: 391x391x26
  • Load transfer class: A15 - A15
Fields of application
Pedestrian areas of cottage settlements. Blind areas of buildings
Please contact with manager of the office to specify the price
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