Дорожній бордюр використовується при відділенні проїжджої частини доріг від тротуарів, газонів. Естетичність, яку надають бетонні бордюри, сприяє їх застосуванню у благоустрої територій. Використання якісних матеріалів забезпечує стійкість бордюрів до кліматичного впливу.
Lawn grids for turf, giving it resistance to physical stress, are used on footpaths, car parks, access roads. Plastic lawn grille has a special structure that protects the root system of turf. Grating is installed quickly and easily, and after grass sprouting allows you to use the mower.
Garden edging is made of plastic and is used in the arrangement of lawns, walkways, gardens and areas around private homes. Border is a delimiter between lawns and garden beds, flower beds, walkways on garden plots.
Lattice tree trunks are used for beautification of streets and parks of the city. Made of durable cast iron, have a modular structure around a tree trunk laying on paved or asphalted roads. The main purpose of near-wellbore lattice - the protection of the root system of trees.
Ground stone "Medieval" for paving could be of three sizes, and is perfectly simulates the appearance and physical properties of natural stone. Ground stone is manufactured using innovative technologies.